Sunday, October 24, 2010

Celebrating 50 Days of School!

 We celebrated our 50th day of school on October 15th.  We dressed up like kids in the 1950's and had some great fun!  Thanks to all the teachers for planning such a fun event for us.  Thanks to all the parents who sent items that made our day extra special!
 We loved learning to blow bubbles with bubble gum.  Once we got the hang of it, we had a bubble blowing contest!  It was hard to tell who won!  Everyone blew great bubbles.  We also had fun hula hooping on the playground!  We think that might take a little more practice!
 Our favorite thing we ate was a root beer float!  We could not believe you could put ice cream right in the root beer!  It was delicious and fun to eat!

But the most fun we had was definitely at the Sock Hop!  We went to the cafeteria which was decorated with old cars and records.  Mr. Hume came and told us how the 1950's were different from today.  He encouraged us to look it up on the internet.  Then he and Mrs. Owen showed us how they used to dance in the 50's! Next it was our turn!  We danced like crazy!  It was a blast!

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