Sunday, December 19, 2010

Polar Express Pajama Party!!!

We loved our Polar Express Pajama Party!  We enjoyed the movie in our train cars and ate delicious snacks like in the movie.  We also enjoyed a sing along.  We had a great day!

We enjoyed all our Christmas activities!  We made lots of fun art projects like these Santas!  We love Christmas!


Be a Buddy not a Bully!

Ms. Sheronda came to our class and taught us how to be a buddy not a bully!  She read us some great stories and gave each a cool bracelet to remind us to be a buddy!

Breakfast with Santa!

 We were so excited that Santa came to eat breakfast with us!  We did not even hear his reindeer or sleighbells!  We had so much fun hugging him and shaking his hand!  He came to our class and took a picture.  He left us some candy canes!

Cookie Time!

 We had a great time baking our Christmas cookies!  We mixed the dough, rolled it our, cut the trees, and baked them.  When they were cool, we decorated them with green icing and m&m's! But our favorite part was EATING them!  They were delicious!

Christmas Parade

Our Christmas float showcased all the fabulous charities we support here at Sherman.  Our families are so generous.  We had so much fun on the float.  We won 1st place in our category!

Students of the Month

Student of the Month for October
Student of the Month for November/December

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


 On November 30, Dr. Jean Feldman came to our school to perform a concert for us.  Dr. Jean is a famous educator of young children.  She is an accomplished author and creator of educational materials and cd's.  She travels all around the country doing workshops for teachers. 
Dr. Jean makes learning fun for us.  The children LOVE her songs and cheers.  We sang some of our favorite songs with Dr. Jean including Tooty Ta, Going on a Bear Hunt, and Peanut Butter!  We also did many of our favorite cheers like firecracker, looking good, and the trucker cheer!  We had much fun and are so glad she came to visit us! 


Friday, November 26, 2010


We loved celebrating Thanksgiving!  Ms. Smith taught us all about the pilgrims who came over on the Mayflower and the Indians who helped them survive and learn how to live in the new world.  We learned Thanksgiving traditions and why we still celebrate.  We thought about things we are thankful for today.  We had a great time making Indian costumes and pilgrim books.  Our celebration was great fun!


Our class participated in the music program in November.  We celebrated our great country with songs.  We also recognized and honored all the veterans who have fought to make our country great and give us the freedoms we enjoy. 



We are so glad our friend from the Mississippi State Extension is visiting us this year.  Mrs. McDevitt comes to our school once a month to teach us about nutrition and how to make healthy choices for our bodies.  This month she taught us about the grains food group.  She showed us some real wheat and read The Little Red Hen.  We look forward to her visits.


We had some very special guests to tell us about fire safety!  It was great!  We got a hat and a coloring book.  We learned what to do in case we have a fire or our clothes catch on fire.  We loved meeting our special friends.  One of our friends told about a personal experience with a fire.  We are so thankful to them for teaching us how to stay safe.


A former Harlem Globetrotter, Buffy Coleman, came to our school.  He did lots of cool basketball tricks and talked to us about how important school and good choices were.  One of our friends got to play a game with him.  She did great!  We had a great time! 

Halloween Party

We had a fabulous Halloween party!  We carved a pumpkin and read scary stories!  We made a popcorn hand and ate some fabulous snacks.  We had a ton of candy to take home.  Thanks to all the parents who sent goodies for us!  Thank you to the parents who donated materials and the pumpkin.  A special thanks to those parents who came to help with the party, especially the Hoefts for providing our craft activity!

We were very excited about carving our pumpkin!  We had to vote to decide what kind of face to carve on it.  We decided to carve a scary face on our pumpkin!  Ms. Smith kept up with the steps it took and Mrs. Ricks used the sharp knives to cut open our pumpkin.  Then we each took a turn scraping and removing the pulp and seeds.  It felt yucky and slimy.  We were glad when we were through.  Mrs. Ricks cut the face, and our pumpkin looked great!

Student Teacher: Amanda Smith

In October, Ms. Amanda Smith came to our class.  She has been a wonderful teacher for us.  We have participated in fun activities and really enjoyed her teaching.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Celebrating 50 Days of School!

 We celebrated our 50th day of school on October 15th.  We dressed up like kids in the 1950's and had some great fun!  Thanks to all the teachers for planning such a fun event for us.  Thanks to all the parents who sent items that made our day extra special!
 We loved learning to blow bubbles with bubble gum.  Once we got the hang of it, we had a bubble blowing contest!  It was hard to tell who won!  Everyone blew great bubbles.  We also had fun hula hooping on the playground!  We think that might take a little more practice!
 Our favorite thing we ate was a root beer float!  We could not believe you could put ice cream right in the root beer!  It was delicious and fun to eat!

But the most fun we had was definitely at the Sock Hop!  We went to the cafeteria which was decorated with old cars and records.  Mr. Hume came and told us how the 1950's were different from today.  He encouraged us to look it up on the internet.  Then he and Mrs. Owen showed us how they used to dance in the 50's! Next it was our turn!  We danced like crazy!  It was a blast!

Farm Day!

 Farm Day was so much fun!  We dressed up in our farm clothes and pretended to be farmers!  Some friends from our community brought some animals for us to visit.  We petted a pig, a chicken, and some rabbits.  The cow that was scheduled to visit us could not make it; so, our teachers made a cow for us!  We had a great time!

  We loved making our making our own Farm Day Snacks!  That morning we made pigs in a blanket with little sausages and biscuits.  We baked them in our class oven.  We enjoyed those pigs in a blanket with some lemonade that afternoon.

 Our two favorite farm stories were Mrs. Wishy Washy and Growing Vegetable Soup.  We loved reading these stories.  We made mud puddles for our farm animals to splash in!  We made them with chocolate pudding!  We also made our own vegetable soup!  Both activities were fun and delicious!

Real People Read Kickoff

Our class was invited to participate in the Real People Read kickoff at our school.  We heard from many community leaders about the importance of readiing and being a lifelong learner.  Mayor Winfield read one of our favorite stories!  We loved it!  We also heard from Mr. Hume, Dr. Swinford, Mrs. Murphy, and Mr. Shorter.  We had a great time.  Now, we are trying to meet our reading goals each month!  Be sure you are recording those titles on the reading log for your free pizza from Pizza Hut!

September Student of the Month!

Congratulations to our September Student of the Month!  We are so proud of him.  We will be choosing a Student of the Month based on behavior, character, and begin a productive member of our classroom community.  Every student has a chance to receive this honor!

Sunday, October 3, 2010


We studied about orchards on the farm and Johnny Appleseed. We each brought an apple to school. Most people brought a red apple, but we learned that there are many kinds of apples. We are very thankful to John Chapman for spreading his appleseeds all over the country so there are plenty of apples. We decided to bake apple pie with our apples after we read The Apple Pie Tree. We used pre-made crusts, sugar, butter, and cinnamon. We cored and peeled our apples, added sugar, butter, and cinnamon. We put a crust lid on it and baked it in our oven. That was the best apple pie because we made it ourselves!
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Body Walk

The Body Walk is an activity brought by the Mississippi State Extension Service that helps us understand how our bodies work. We learned about our body parts and how to keep them healthy. We learned about eating the right foods, exercising, and getting enough sleep. We also learned how harmful things like smoking can cause damage to our bodies. We got a bookmark and a coloring book. We want to give a special shout out to our parent volunteer Greg Hoeft. He did a great job!
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Grandparents Are Special!

We love our grandparents! We celebrated our love for them on Grandparents' Day. We had cookies and punch. We wrote a book for them and sang some songs! We enjoyed having our grandparents at school!
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Open House

Sherman Avenue Open House was a very exciting night! Our parents came to school and after hearing about things happening here at Sherman, our parents came to our classroom. We gave hem a tour of our room. We read stories to them and showed them our morning routine. Thanks to all the parents who came that night!
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Teddy Bear Picnic

We had a great time at our Teddy Bear Picnic! We sorted and graphed our teddy bears and enjoyed stories about teddy bears! Our teddy grahams and capri suns were delicious!
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Sherman Recycles

We recycle at Sherman Avenue! We need your empty ink cartridges, box tops, capri sun pouches, tyson food labels, community coffee labels, and pop tabs. We can recycle these items into cash for our school! The recycling station is located in the lobby of the school! Thanks for contributing to our school.
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Sunday, September 5, 2010

This Week in the S.O.A.R. Class

Well it has been another busy week!  However, I enjoyed working with and watching your children work so much, I forgot to take any pictures!  I promise I will post extras from this week which won't be too hard!  This week is a short but very full week for us!  We are off Monday for Labor Day and come back on Tuesday.  We have several activities this week.
First, we will be continue our unit Glad to Be Me this week by discussing how to deal with our feelings, how much we love and need our families, and taking good care of ourselves.  On Wednesday we will have a Teddy Bear Picnic.  All students should bring their teddy bears on Tuesday or Wednesday.
On Thursday night at 5:30, we will have Open House.  Your children should come so they can give you a tour of their classroom and show you what they have been doing.
You should have received 2 invitations for Grandparents' Day on Friday, Sept. 10.  We will have a celebration and refreshments.  If your child does not have grandparents who can attend, another close family member can attend.  We would like someone at school for every child.
We are still trying to earn our pizza party.  Only 25% of our families have joined PTO.  Please send your $5 to join or you can join at the Open House on Thursday.
We are looking forward to another exciting week of learning!  Hope to see you at Open House!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Hooray for Choice!

Here we are working independently! The students have learned the procedures of the classroom so well that they are allowed to choose which activities they want to do during Daily 5 reading and math! They are working hard and learning so much! I am so proud of their progress!
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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Book Baskets!

We love our book baskets! Each basket contains several books for the student to read, his/her journal, and a whisper phone. The students have done a fabulous job reading their books to themselves and reading with a partner. They have also created several books to place in the basket. We have also learned to use our word work tools and work on writing tools. This week the students will be able to choose which of the Daily 5 they would like to work on during each session. I can't wait for you to see their book baskets at Open House on September 9. They are excited about sharing with you. We are continuing to review letters and sounds and our kindergarten word list.
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Matth Tools!

We are having a fabulous time at school! We love using our Math Tools and playing math games. We are learning to use the Daily 5 in math. We have learned several games and math materials and are working toward having our choice of activities. We are continuing to review numbers 0-20 and counting!
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