Saturday, August 28, 2010

Hooray for Choice!

Here we are working independently! The students have learned the procedures of the classroom so well that they are allowed to choose which activities they want to do during Daily 5 reading and math! They are working hard and learning so much! I am so proud of their progress!
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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Book Baskets!

We love our book baskets! Each basket contains several books for the student to read, his/her journal, and a whisper phone. The students have done a fabulous job reading their books to themselves and reading with a partner. They have also created several books to place in the basket. We have also learned to use our word work tools and work on writing tools. This week the students will be able to choose which of the Daily 5 they would like to work on during each session. I can't wait for you to see their book baskets at Open House on September 9. They are excited about sharing with you. We are continuing to review letters and sounds and our kindergarten word list.
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Matth Tools!

We are having a fabulous time at school! We love using our Math Tools and playing math games. We are learning to use the Daily 5 in math. We have learned several games and math materials and are working toward having our choice of activities. We are continuing to review numbers 0-20 and counting!
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Orientation Day!

Thanks so much to all of you who attended our orientation! It was so good to see you all again. I love orientation because it is our new beginning and a fresh start to our year! We had a great turnout in our classroom. Our next opportunity to visit the classroom will be Open House on September 9. Hope to see you all there!
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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Our First Day

Our first day of school was awesome!  We had the best time!  We sang and danced, read and colored our own book and even created designs with pattern blocks!  Your children listened carefully and followed the rules.  I would have to say it was one of my best first days EVER!!!!!  I can't wait to post pictures of your children reading, singing and dancing.  Send in those BLOG permission slips ASAP!