Thursday, May 26, 2011

Another Year Ends

It is always bittersweet this time of year.  We are glad for our summer vacation, but sad to see our little friends leave us.  It has been a fabulous year.  We have watched these children grow and learn, but now we have to say goodbye.  We love them dearly and will keep our wonderful memories of our year with them in our hearts.  We are so very proud of all that they have accomplished and look forward to what they will achieve in the future.  Thank you for sharing these precious gifts with us and supporting us throughout this year.  We cherish each of you and wish you all the best in the future.  Have a great summer!


We ended our year with a unit on islands and tropical vacations!  For our end of the year party, we pretended to go on a beach vacation!  We played in the sand, did the limbo, blasted our friends with water, and enjoyed some great beach snacks!  Thanks to all who helped with our party especially Ashley and Greg!  We had a fabulous time at the beach!


Every year, our school celebrates Earth Day with a project to make our campus more beautiful.  This year, we planted bushes, trees, and flowers all over the school grounds.  Our flower bed is in the back of the school just behind the school sign.  We enjoyed planting these flowers and watching them grow.  We want to thank the Americorps volunteers for helping us plant and our friend Shauna's grandmother for paying for us all to get our faces painted!


 In April, we traveled to the new Mississippi Children's Museum!  It is a beautiful museum designed just for kids!  We enjoyed the bus ride, especially those who had never been on a bus.  The exhibits.  Our favorites were the World of Work, Mississippi River and the grocery store.  It is fabulous and well worth the trip to Jackson.  After touring the museum, we had a fun picnic lunch.  Thanks to all the parents who chaperoned and help make this an extra fun field trip!


On Tuesday before our Easter break, we had a great time hunting Easter eggs.  We divided them up among our classmates so everyone took home the same amount.  Then we enjoyed delicious Easter snacks.  Thank you to all the parents who sent items to help us have a fun celebration.  A special thank you to the parents who helped hide the eggs and with the party!  We appreciate you all!