Saturday, March 26, 2011

A Busy Spring!

There is a lot going on at Sherman Avenue right now!  We are working hard to get ready for 1st grade.  The students are reading and learning lots of new words.  We are telling time and comparing the length, capacity, and weight of objects.  We are writing our own stories and class books.

We are also participating in schoolwide activities.  We are getting ready for Earth Day on April 21.  Volunteers are working on week nights to prepare for planting.  If you would like to help contact me or the school for more details.  We are also raising money for Relay for Life.  Our class is competing for prizes and a class party by bringing our loose change and other donations.  Please help your child gather donation money for this great cause and help us win a prize.  We are also voting for our favorite contestants in our Relay Royalty pageant.  Students vote by donating money to their favorite.  The contestant with the most money wins the crown!

The Relay team is selling portrait sittings for antique portraits.  The cost of the sitting is $10 and you will receive a free print.  An order form went home last week, but let me know if you would like to order and do not have a form.

Family Reading Night is April 7 at 5:30.  Come enjoy a great meal and some fun fitness and reading activities!
 On March 2nd, we celebrated the birthday of Dr. Seuss!  We enjoyed some of our favorite Dr. Seuss stories and made these great hats.  We joined with the rest of the kindergarten classes in a big celebration!  Thanks, Americorps friends, for inviting us to your party.  We enjoyed birthday cake and stories!  What Dr. Seuss party would be complete without Thing 1 and Thing 2!

Our Hearts and a friendly Nurse!

Mrs. Amanda came to tell us all about our hearts and let us listen to our hearts with her stethoscope!

Valentine's Day

 We really enjoyed Valentine's Day!  Mrs. Ashley read us a great story.  We gave our classmates cards and candy.  Then we enjoyed some delicious snacks!  Thanks to all the parents who sent snacks and especially to those who came and helped us with our party!

A Trip to the Symphony

We went to the convention center to hear the Mississippi Symphony.  We really enjoyed all the different types of music they played.  The drums were our favorite instruments, and we really enjoyed waving our arms and pretending we were the conductor.

January Student of the Month