Tuesday, November 30, 2010


 On November 30, Dr. Jean Feldman came to our school to perform a concert for us.  Dr. Jean is a famous educator of young children.  She is an accomplished author and creator of educational materials and cd's.  She travels all around the country doing workshops for teachers. 
Dr. Jean makes learning fun for us.  The children LOVE her songs and cheers.  We sang some of our favorite songs with Dr. Jean including Tooty Ta, Going on a Bear Hunt, and Peanut Butter!  We also did many of our favorite cheers like firecracker, looking good, and the trucker cheer!  We had much fun and are so glad she came to visit us! 


Friday, November 26, 2010


We loved celebrating Thanksgiving!  Ms. Smith taught us all about the pilgrims who came over on the Mayflower and the Indians who helped them survive and learn how to live in the new world.  We learned Thanksgiving traditions and why we still celebrate.  We thought about things we are thankful for today.  We had a great time making Indian costumes and pilgrim books.  Our celebration was great fun!


Our class participated in the music program in November.  We celebrated our great country with songs.  We also recognized and honored all the veterans who have fought to make our country great and give us the freedoms we enjoy. 



We are so glad our friend from the Mississippi State Extension is visiting us this year.  Mrs. McDevitt comes to our school once a month to teach us about nutrition and how to make healthy choices for our bodies.  This month she taught us about the grains food group.  She showed us some real wheat and read The Little Red Hen.  We look forward to her visits.


We had some very special guests to tell us about fire safety!  It was great!  We got a hat and a coloring book.  We learned what to do in case we have a fire or our clothes catch on fire.  We loved meeting our special friends.  One of our friends told about a personal experience with a fire.  We are so thankful to them for teaching us how to stay safe.


A former Harlem Globetrotter, Buffy Coleman, came to our school.  He did lots of cool basketball tricks and talked to us about how important school and good choices were.  One of our friends got to play a game with him.  She did great!  We had a great time! 

Halloween Party

We had a fabulous Halloween party!  We carved a pumpkin and read scary stories!  We made a popcorn hand and ate some fabulous snacks.  We had a ton of candy to take home.  Thanks to all the parents who sent goodies for us!  Thank you to the parents who donated materials and the pumpkin.  A special thanks to those parents who came to help with the party, especially the Hoefts for providing our craft activity!

We were very excited about carving our pumpkin!  We had to vote to decide what kind of face to carve on it.  We decided to carve a scary face on our pumpkin!  Ms. Smith kept up with the steps it took and Mrs. Ricks used the sharp knives to cut open our pumpkin.  Then we each took a turn scraping and removing the pulp and seeds.  It felt yucky and slimy.  We were glad when we were through.  Mrs. Ricks cut the face, and our pumpkin looked great!

Student Teacher: Amanda Smith

In October, Ms. Amanda Smith came to our class.  She has been a wonderful teacher for us.  We have participated in fun activities and really enjoyed her teaching.