Saturday, July 31, 2010

Everything is Ready!!!!

I have been working all week, and everything is ready! All that is missing from our classroom is YOU! I can't wait to see you on Thursday! Parents, I will see you for orientation on Tuesday at 9:30. We will meet in the gym first and then go to the classroom. Please bring your school supplies with you on Tuesday. See you all soon!
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Thursday, July 15, 2010

I Am So Ready!!!

I am so ready for school to start!  Next week, I will begin preparing our classroom for the students!  I am so excited!  I have been making fun learning tools and gathering our materials like book boxes and journals!  We are going to begin learning on our very first day!

This year we will be using a classroom management system called "The Daily 5."  My favorite thing about daily 5 is the children get choices once they have learned the system.  There are 5 categories of activities the students can choose from in each subject.  We will teach them a system for charting which ones they participate in so we have a record.  They will love the independence they will have.  We will use the system in both reading and math.  We will spend the first 25 days of school reviewing our letters, sounds, numbers and sight words while we learn the rules and procedures of the daily 5.
I have already purchased a book basket, pocket folders, and 2 journals--one for reading and one for math--for your child.  If you have not yet bought supplies, do not buy any pencils because we have plenty.  Also, we do use gallon ziploc bags so if you could purchase those that would be great.  Our supplies are used communally and placed in a central location in our classroom.  Please do NOT label the supplies with your child's name.  We do not need a school box or pencil pouch.  We also use a lot of glue sticks and highlighters.  It would also be helpful to have boxes of 8 crayons as well as the box of 24 on the list.  The basic 8 colors are used the most and get lost or broken so we always need extras.  You could help me by purchasing some of these supplies that we will need.  During the year, I will keep you informed of supplies we need on our weekly newsletter.
I am looking forward to our orientation day.  If you have your child's supplies, please bring them to orientation so we can get them organized in the classroom.  I will see you soon!